
Whenever Worlanwv returns it spells disaster for the world. Can you finish your art project in time so that at least those who come after you will be able to prepare?

This game was made for the fifth Bevy game jam. It is also open source and available under either the MIT or Apache 2.0 license, your choice.


  • W/A/S/D: Move
  • Mouse: Look
  • Space: Jump
  • E: Interact
  • Hold Q: Fast forward time after picking up the hourglass
  • Escape: Pause

If you get stuck

Unfortunately the game has some technical as well as design problems (mostly specific to the web build) as of the moment. Here are some workarounds if you run into a problem:

  • Click the full-screen icon when playing the web build!
  • If you can't see or click on the "Play" button at the beginning, press Enter.
  • If you have troubles in Firefox and really don't want to use the desktop version (it's much better!), try Chrome.
  • If you suddenly get stuck in geometry that spawned out of nowhere, I'm really sorry. It should go away after waiting 60 seconds, or if you have the hourglass hold Q to fast forward until you're free. If that doesn't help I'm afraid you'll have to restart (it's a very short game though).
  • There are some graphical glitches and sometimes it's hard to make out things. Please try the desktop version, it's better there!
  • The Credits button in the menu doesn't actually do anything. Sorry about that, you'll have to finish the game to see it :P 
  • (Or just continue reading this page)



tracefree a.k.a. Rie, your choice between MIT or Apache 2.0

Original composition

Music by Ira Provectus and Michael Feigl, all rights reserved

3D Assets

tracefree a.k.a. Rie, CC0

Free sound effects

If you're still here reading...

...you might be interested in knowing that my personal best time is 156,000 years. If you can manage to beat this somehow please comment how you did it!


worlanwv-linux.zip 129 MB
Version v0.0.21 51 days ago
worlanwv-macos.dmg 146 MB
Version v0.0.21 51 days ago
worlanwv-windows.zip 126 MB
Version v0.0.21 51 days ago


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Interesting concept!

Cool concept !